Well I'm beginning to realize that it is hard to explain my experience out here because God's work that is being done is so hard to put into words. We just sent the first group home and it's pretty powerful for me to look back on this week and see all of the things that the Lord has shown me. Before the group got here I was somewhat nervous because of the fact that I just really had no idea what was going on and how to run this place. Thankfully we had Rich and Audrey to help us and the group was very patient with us. I would have to say that the thing that stuck out to me the most was the hospital day. Basically on Puerto Plata day we go into Puerto Plata, which is about a two-three hour dihatsu (the name of our open bus) ride, and visit the hospital and the dump. However, it is nothing like what you would expect a hopsital to look like. With very little nurse care random people just hooked up to IV's, very different and dirty looking, we can't even wear open toed shoes. When we got there we split up into our groups and just went around to each room, where there are about 10-15 beds with people in them, and just prayed for them. The whole ride to the hopsital was such a build up for me because you could imagine the intimidation going into a hopsital where everyone spoke spanish, people were very sick and poor and just sad. When we got there we split up and began going to the different rooms and people and began praying for them. I would go up to a persons bed and say, "Puedo orar para ti?" meaning "Can I pray for you?" and they always said yes. I tried each time to say the prayer in Spanish, but it always ended up where I would get half way through and have to go back to english. This one lady, as I was praying for her daughter and she was sitting by the bed, started to cry as I tried to pray in spanish. It really took all that was in me to keep my own flood gates closed. It was incredibly hard yet powerful. All the people were so delighted and had so much joy when we would pray for them and give them the goodie bags. I can honestly say that my faith and relationship with God was shook that day. I reached a new level of appreciation and greater love for the Lord and my own life that I have never clearly seen.
So being out here has really got me thinking about my own life and where my passion lies. I think that when put in a different situation, it is so much easier to learn more about yourself and what you truely value. I have found such a pure and untainted joy in the service and simplicity of life out here. There are days when I try to picture myself and somewhat reflect on how I would feel if I was in the states right now shopping, with my hair fixed, and cute clothes. And it amazes me how I feel so far from that and from wanting that. Some people may call it "tomboyish" or whatnot but I am beginning to realize that that is not who I am. My pure joy is found out here with frizzy curly hair, constantly sweaty, covered in paint, the random city electricity that only comes on everyother day, the bugs, the different language of the people, the dirty clothes, velcro tennis shoes, and stinky chacos haaha I wear everyday. In discovering where my heart lies and what joy the Lord has placed on my heart in being out here, I can honestly say that this place, this work, and these people are what have brought me the purest and greatest untainted joy and peace I have ever found. Can you believe its only been like a week and a half? What a blessing the Lord has given me that He has shown me so much already. With so much on my heard and finding such a strong passion of mine I have no doubt that there will be some big changes for the future and in my life. Thinking about the desires and self-serving mindsets of most Americans really honestly pushes me away. It is becoming more and more clear that I cannot find the joy and passion for life the Lord has planned for me in any place like that. With that I know I have the strength and confidence to do and go where ever the Lord leads me in the future. I just want all of ya'll to know that if there is anything I have learned this week is that all of the things you have, and what you buy, what you wear, even the fancy food really mean nothing. To experience the complete joy and fullfillment you are searching for in the materialist world I am sorry to say it will never be found. By serving someone and forgetting yourself, the Lord will bless far beyond what you feel like a new pair of shoes ever could. I am so blessed to be here and I am starting to realize that more and more everyday.
Oh PS I'm 20 now! My birthday was amazing because the people out here showed me such a sweet and unconditional love. I was also able to talk to my mom and dad which brought me to tears because I love and miss them so much, but thankfully I get to see Nate and Dad today! Please be in prayer for this next week that the Lord will work through us interns and teach us and the Lake Cities group something new. Please email me or anything soon I'd love to hear from all of you adidasap24@neo.tamu.edu
Until next week,