Monday, July 13, 2009

Just thoughts

How fast time really does seem to fly. Sorry it has taken me so long to finally sit down here and write an update. Life here not only moves fast but each and every moment seems to be filled with purpose. It has been so nice the last couple of days to take a break and slow down. We have been able to have about a 4-5 day break period where we have gotten some much needed extra sleep and been able to take a trip to Jarbacoa to go white water rafting which was incredible.
I guess I never really doubted the fact that being out here this summer, working on the front lines in my Christian life that Satan was not going to use each and every thing he could to distract me from my mission out here. I feel as though the past couple weeks I have really been learning where those attack points are, how to recognize them, then how to present those in front of the Lord. What an amazing gift I have been given to give those to the Lord. I remember one morning a couple weeks ago just waking up with such a drained and tapped out spirit. I'm sure you can imagine when you dont daily lift your burdens up to the Lord and give those to Him the will gradually but surely build up to a point to where we as human beings cannot "sweep them under the rug" or deal with them any longer. I was so blessed in this hard morning that the Lord gave me such peace in finding the perfect scripture to soothe my spirit. So many moments like this one He has directed me and further steered me back into the correct direction when I have really and whole-heartedly given my burden or distraction to Him in prayer. I guess it is no surprise that being out here, as well in my request to Him for growth, that He has really pin-pointed out to me my weak points and how to deal with them so that I can use the perserverance as an opportunity to grow. I hope that makes sense. It does to me :)
Nontheless I, again, am so blessed that I have been given this place. The day I have to leave will probably be the hardest yet because of the relationships and equal lifestyle I have found corresponding with my own.
I just today finished a book called the "Screwtape Letters" which was very different but really had some valueable points. One thing I really feel like the Lord spoke to me through this book was the importance of the Present. The Present moment is the moment in which one really and truely experiences how to effect and change eternity. Worrying about the past which is stale and stuck in time does one no good, and dwelling on what the Future may hold only takes away from the Present. I do the book and the point I am trying to convey no just in what I just said but I guess what really stuck out to me was the true importance of every moment we are given. With each and every Present moment so fletting I've really begun to see the importance in not worrying about my Future, which I so instictively do, and really utilizing the Present moment to shape who I want to be and how I want to effect others. What a blessing to know that whenever you divert from the right path you have the very next present moment as a gift to redirect yourself and a new start. I really think that the Lord gives us such grace with the gift of time. For me, my personal goals for the rest of my time out here are to continue establishing lasting relationships with the local people and really going out of my way to spend time with them and serve them. Also to lift my daily distractions up to the Lord and to focus on the present moment I have been given. To recognize where I need improvement and thank Him for opening my eyes to that. And lastly just that with the next 3 weeks I am here I will leave all that is in me with this place and these people, so that when I leave I will know not one more ounce of effort or energy could have been put into the work we are trying to accomplish out here. Those are my current goals. Please continue to be in prayer for me and our work out here, but also that the Lord will show you what areas in your own life you can strengthen. Then when He does, by lifting them up to Him in prayer I believe you will truely be blessed in His response.
I love you all :)