So maybe you don't know, but I really miss the Dominican. Being in 2 wintermesters over the holidays has really allowed me to have a great appreciation for the time I was able to spend out there this summer. I don't really know if anyone reads this but if you do, and you are right now obviously, I wanted to share a fun story with you from this summer. My pictures from this summer are something very dear to me, because at any moment when I feel overwhelmed by the pressure of school or something else, I can go back to those moments and remember how happy my heart was in that moment. As I am currently overwhelmed and trying to finish this winter math class, I found myself looking through those old pictures and remembered the ridiculous story behind one in particular.
It was the last week of the summer when just the interns decided we wanted to hike El Morito, a mountain (or what felt like one) close to Bobita. The hike up wasn't bad, I was pretty winded but we made it, however the hike back down was an adventure in itself. Coming up upon something we couldn't quite decipher between a foot deep mud pit or a foot deep cow patty pit it was trouble waiting to happen. As we approached it, I remember Hunter daring me to run across the sick pit of mud. As a dare wouldn't normally mean anything to me, many know, I am pretty open an accepting to any potentially dirty situations. Wearing my Chaco sandals I backed up and made a run for it through the sickness. To my surprise about halfway through the mud dash the mud patty pit ate my Chaco sucking it down into it's abyss. It was a dark moment when I discovered this meant either getting in the mud and digging for it or hiking back another 2 hours to the car without a shoe. So I went where probably no human in their right mind has gone before and started digging. And much to my surprise Hunter, Haley, and Chad all got down in the mud sticking their hands as deep as they would go trying to find it. I never felt so special as when 3 of my friends got down in that poopy mud to dig for my shoe. Nonetheless we spent about 30 minutes looking for it when this Dominican lady, known to be very different and eccentric, came up to us and insisted on helping us. So she gets down in the mud and sure enough finds the shoe on her FIRST try! I was laughing so hard I couldn't hardly believe my eyes. Just one of the many crazy stories for this summer but I wanted to share it with you, and honestly relive it myself.